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Re: New technic MOC, motor grader.
Fri, 2 Nov 2001 02:07:26 GMT
745 times
Very nice! The photos are really good. It is good to see a micro motor in
use for the pan. I believe that is the first time I have seen a brick
separator used to demonstrate a models capability. Good work. I enjoyed the
project very much.

Bob Fay

"Tom Newsom" <> wrote in message
I built this one over the summer.
It's based on a CAT L40H and has pretty much all the features you'd find • on
the real deal. Here's a quick summary:
scale - 1:20 (approx technic figure scale, but I've lost/broken all my
technic figures over the years)

drive - one old 9v motor, lockable differential for extra grip, 4W drive

steering - driven by one old 9v motor geared down. I'm sure that the
articualtion is powered in the real thing, as mine could not get the
traction to turn by just the steering wheels.

blade - 3 pneumatic cylinders provide up/down, slide left right, and tilt
left/right. micromotor rotates the blade.

front wheels will tilt over rough terrain, but not as much as the real • thing.
rear wheels can tilt arround the center point, but this seriously reduces
the stability of the rear end. The only fix would be to include some sort • of
shock absorbers but there was not the space. As it is, I can move a wheel
axle that locks the wheel bars in place to demonstrate this motion.

I'm very busy right now (and am stuck behind an ftp proof firewall), and • so
have not been able to put together a proper page over at my homepage
( so I have put all the images up on
brickshelf ( for now.

enjoy :)
I'm currently putting the finishing touches to my next model, a huey cobra
helicopter (at 1:20) with all the workings, but we'll have to see whether • I
get the time to sit down and do it.


Message is in Reply To:
  New technic MOC, motor grader.
I built this one over the summer. It's based on a CAT L40H and has pretty much all the features you'd find on the real deal. Here's a quick summary: scale - 1:20 (approx technic figure scale, but I've lost/broken all my technic figures over the (...) (23 years ago, 1-Nov-01, to lugnet.technic)  

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