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 Technic / 16977
    Lego 4x2 truck with 16-speed transmission —Ari Holopainen
    <<https://brickshelf...k16spd.jpg Lego 4x2 truck 16-speed>> <<https://brickshelf...dmodel.png Lego 4x2 truck 16-speed model>> Hi, let me introduce my lego 4x2 truck with 16-speed transmission. It's inspired by DAF XF 95 truck and its ZF Ecosplit (...) (2 years ago, 8-May-23, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
        Re: Lego 4x2 truck with 16-speed transmission —Dave Schuler
   (...) Very cool! I don't have much luck with complex gearing, so I'm always impressed to see it executed well, as you've done here. Dave! (2 years ago, 18-May-23, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

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