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Volunteers to build and test twin stick transmission?
Thu, 7 Jan 2010 10:39:13 GMT
20085 times

here is an idea to build a good old fashioned twin stick truck transmission. I don’t have enough synchro parts so I can’t build this myself. Is there any volunteers to build and test it? :)

   Twin Stick 5x4

More accurate LDraw pictures are under construction. Coming soon... (I hope) so keep checking :)

And here you can check some real twin stick driving: Just wait until the driver makes two handed compound shifting, I’ll bet you want to see that.

Ari H.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Volunteers to build and test twin stick transmission?
(...) Hi Ari, I'd love to build it. No lack of necessary parts here. Could you post (or send me) a copy of the LDraw file you took that screenshot from? Never mind if it's incomplete. It's just easier to build if I can see it from different angles. (...) (15 years ago, 7-Jan-10, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
  Re: Volunteers to build and test twin stick transmission?
(...) More pictures and LDraw file are now available. (URL) (15 years ago, 11-Jan-10, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

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