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Re: Powering Power Functions Using a 9V Train Regulator
Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:36:49 GMT
20325 times
In lugnet.technic, Dave Sterling wrote:
Calling all EE's, robotics nuts, technic gurus, PF fanatics, and electronics

So by using the PF to 9V connector wire, I can run a PF motor using the 9V Train
regulator.  This is all wonderful...until I try to put an IR receiver between
them.  When I do that, it doesn't work.  Can anyone explain why this doesn't
work?  I still have 9V going from the controller (it's turned all the way up) to
the IR receiver and then the motor connected to the IR receiver.  In
should work.  So...EE's and other electronics gurus...what am I missing?  Is
there a workaround?

For those wondering, I am in the process of motorizing all of my switches on my
layout using PF motors and IR receivers.  However, I would like to run them all
off of one or two Train controllers to eliminate the 'battery issue'.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Hi Dave,

What you're missing is that the IR Receiver requires a specific PF input.. if
you ask me that was a small oversight on the part of LEGO as far as backwards
compatibility is concerned, but there is a relatively easy workaround. You can
find it in an article posted at FreeLUG:

The article is in French, but the pictures are self explanatory. Basically it
comes down to putting an empty PF battery box between the Train COntroller and
the IR Receiver (and switch it on!).


Message is in Reply To:
  Powering Power Functions Using a 9V Train Regulator
Calling all EE's, robotics nuts, technic gurus, PF fanatics, and electronics geniuses... So by using the PF to 9V connector wire, I can run a PF motor using the 9V Train regulator. This is all wonderful...until I try to put an IR receiver between (...) (16 years ago, 25-Feb-09, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics)

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