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Re: LEGOdometer
lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains
Tue, 5 Aug 2008 18:14:10 GMT
21345 times
In lugnet.announce.moc, Shaun Sullivan wrote:
   As is my tendency, here’s an absurdly long treatise describing the development of a LEGO Train Odometer Car (a.k.a. the “LEGOdometer”).

Interesting. I thought this might be interesting to use in our displays...until I read that it binds up in reverse. When we lose a car for whatever reason (often some young kid’s hand straying where it ought not to), we usually recouple by running the train in reverse to pick up the stragglers. Perhaps your next iteration could have a slip gear system that disengages in reverse and engages when going forward?

   As Dave Eaton likes to point out, the length of the outside rail on a circular train track will be longer than the length of the inside rail. This same effect holds true with nearly all train layouts that are seen in shows; the length of one of the rails will be longer than the other. So the question becomes – what do we truly want to measure? The distance the train has gone around the outside rail? The distance along the inner rail? Or some distance in between?

I would think it would measure the outer rail at high speeds and the inner rail at slow speeds. The reasoning is that at slow speeds, assuming the motor bogey is pulling rather than pushing, it will pull the train against the inside rail so there will be more friction on that side of the bogeys. At high speeds, however, momentum comes into effect, and if you’ve ever watched a LEGO train moving at significant speed, anything but the most lightweight of cars will heel over a bit when it slams into the curve, so the inner wheels will actually lose contact with the rails for a bit as they lift up, while the outer wheels will be pressed into the rail.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LEGOdometer
(...) That's something I hadn't considered. Fortunately, unless it's run backwards for a long time, it probably won't be an issue. It takes a good while to take up the lash in all of the gears in the opposite direction; the overall gear reduction is (...) (17 years ago, 6-Aug-08, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: LEGOdometer
(...) First off, "wow!" A great idea, what sounds to be a very thorough design (and documentation), and an aesthetically pleasing package. A few thoughts, suggestions, and so forth. First, while the videos are impressive, I wonder if the performance (...) (17 years ago, 9-Aug-08, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
As is my tendency, here’s an absurdly long treatise describing the development of a LEGO Train Odometer Car (a.k.a. the “LEGOdometer”). (URL) A Little Background. After religiously attending them for several years, I stopped going to LEGO train (...) (17 years ago, 4-Aug-08, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, FTX) !! 

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