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 Technic / 16219
    Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Owen Dive
   See (URL) the original post. I have just built this device, and I am blown away by the genius and simplicity of its operation. Very well done indeed. Owen. (17 years ago, 9-Feb-08, to lugnet.technic) ! 
        Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Alexander Holroyd
     (...) I agree - very very impressive! (17 years ago, 10-Feb-08, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Mike Hatton
      (...) It is almost too simple, but it is a complex principle. Im glad you liked it! Parax. aka Mike. (17 years ago, 17-Feb-08, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —William Leue
     (...) It is indeed a noteworthy invention. Please note, however, that the DAT file linked to from the web page has an error: you need to substitute part 2825.dat (Technic liftarm 1x4 with boss) for the part 32017.dat (Technic liftarm 1x5) that is (...) (16 years ago, 22-Mar-09, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Owen Dive
     (...) Bill. Perhaps you could elaborate on that a little? I can't see that part working there at all - the 2825 part has crosses at both ends, and you need the axle attached to the gear to be able to rotate freely. Owen. (16 years ago, 23-Mar-09, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Mike Hatton
     (...) Apologies for not having part numbers to hand.. You did mean the 1x5 not the 1x4 liftarm? if so Owen is right the cog must turn freely hence the excessive 1x5 liftarm. I would be interested to see if you have a working redesign... If you meant (...) (16 years ago, 23-Mar-09, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —William Leue
     Owen and Mike, The 2825 part connects the input shift with the orbiter. The part that was shown in the original LDRAW model clearly does not work because all its holes are round and so there is no way of transferring torque to the orbiter body. The (...) (16 years ago, 23-Mar-09, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Mike Hatton
     (...) Only the input side of the orbiter is connected to a shaft (via 1x4 liftarm) the output shaft turns freely (via 1x5 liftarm) inside the orbiter and connects to the Cog Only. It should be as shown here: (URL) dont have Ldraw installed on this (...) (16 years ago, 23-Mar-09, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —William Leue
     (...) I agree: the input side is connected to the orbiter; the output shaft connects only to the cog. That is exactly the way mine is built. Where I disagree with the LDRAW file is the nature of the liftarm: what is shown is a 1x5 liftarm with only (...) (16 years ago, 23-Mar-09, to lugnet.technic)
         Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Mike Hatton
     (...) Bill Are you missing a part from the ldraw library? 32449.dat is a 1x4 liftarm (without boss) and is in the model as pictured here: (URL) Part) Regards Mike (16 years ago, 23-Mar-09, to lugnet.technic)
        Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Fernando A. Conchinhas Correia
   (...) Realized someone putted this magnificent creation at the New MOCs highlights, but without a thumbnail. You could use any picture from Mike's Brickshelf folder bellow, (URL) Conchas (URL) (17 years ago, 18-Feb-08, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
        Re: Chain Precession Drive - Courtesy of TechnicBRICKs —Ross Crawford
   (...) Done, thanks. ROSCO (17 years ago, 18-Feb-08, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

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