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Re: New Moc: Mobile-Crane Liebherr LTM1070
lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 21:17:36 GMT
24840 times
Hallo Rosco

Thanks for your interesting. I also see, what you build, specially your Demag
Crawler-Crane. Very impressive and nice colour!! I like real working machinery.

One question I have regarding the boom luffing: from your pics it looks like the
drive shaft also takes the load on the "hydraulic ram". Does the heavy load add
a lot to the friction? Or did you unload the motor drive somehow, similar to how
Jennifer Clark did in her AC-50?

No, the drive shaft dont take the load. The drive-axle is 2 studs away from the
axle, that carry the "hydraulic ram". The drive-axle goes sideway to the right
side. There are a geares 20/12, that make the same moving-way as the "cylinder".

The lattice extension looks good too - how easy is it to change the angle? I
tried to build one with a sliding link for my AC100, but just couldn't get
something that looked realistic at the scale I was using.

I can fix it easy, but its (because of my little english) difficult to explain.
If you like,  send for me a email, so i will send you some detail-pictures.

Have you done a load test yet?

I make only the test you see on picture, i load with the crane the spreader on
the truck. With the lattice boom, i think i can not lift to much.


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  Re: New Moc: Mobile-Crane Liebherr LTM1070
(...) One question I have regarding the boom luffing: from your pics it looks like the drive shaft also takes the load on the "hydraulic ram". Does the heavy load add a lot to the friction? Or did you unload the motor drive somehow, similar to how (...) (18 years ago, 13-Mar-07, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam)

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