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 Technic / 14820
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Re: mini quad
Wed, 2 Nov 2005 09:08:48 GMT
5384 times
In lugnet.technic, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
In lugnet.technic, Sigurd van Strakenburg wrote:
this is just a small fun project to see how small a pneumatic quad could be
so i take all the room taking thinks out (swiches)
and use the small piston's

the swiches to make a schema work are outside the body and are just linked to
the pistons in the body. a problem was the front/back movement from the legs.
the *control* piston had to less friction so the legs dont make it to the back
or the front, so i have linked them togeter (front ones and back ones) and take
a swich that is hard to swich :)

Are you adding the extra switch just to slow the control pistons down?

i did not add a extra switch, i just take a swich that is hard to swich (one
swich but just a tough one) and yes its only to slow it down. i did not have so
much small pistons to dubbel up. :(

I can't wait to see the movie.

movie is on his way :-D

You know that now I'm going to have to see how small a one I can make. :^)

haha oke cant wait to see :)

i have a movie as well but not at brickshelf so if you want to see it in action
just mail at

have fun




Message is in Reply To:
  Re: mini quad
(...) Are you adding the extra switch just to slow the control pistons down? I can't wait to see the movie. You know that now I'm going to have to see how small a one I can make. :^) (...) Kev (19 years ago, 1-Nov-05, to lugnet.technic)

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