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Re: Technic/Mindstorms at BrickFest 2005
lugnet.technic,, lugnet.robotics
Fri, 1 Jul 2005 19:20:25 GMT
4878 times
On Fri, July 1, 2005 12:36 pm, John Barnes said:
BrickFest 2005 event planning and space allocation is in process.

It would really help the planning process to get some idea of what competitions
you might be planning on entering, and what Technic, Mindstorms or Great Ball
Contraption MOCs you be planning on bringing. This is not a commitment on your
part to take part in any competitions or bring MOCs for display, but is just
intended as an indication of how many people are likely to show up with stuff.
So if you are bringing something, please email me directly or post to this
thread. You don't need to reveal what you are  bringing, just that you are
bringing something and what category, competition entry, MOC or GBC module it
belongs in.

There will be adequate space available, but it is very helpful if its use can be
planned in advance.

.... and there will be Mindstorms competition prizes again this year. I will be
bringing supplies of ultrasonic sensors, red EOPDs and IRPDs.

Each first place winner will receive their choice of three sensors.
Each second place winner will receive one sensor of their choice.
If the event is a draw, the two competitors will receive two sensors each.

The plum event will therefor be Tag-Team Sumo, where there may be two first
first place robots. If they are both your's, then you'll get two first place
prizes. And, of course if you field four robots and they come first and second,
you'll get to walk away with the second place prizes too!

So get building!

John Barnes
BrickFest 2005 Technic/Mindstorms Events and Room Coordinator


I plan on bring at least one of everthing on your list.  However, unlike in previous
years, winning all the competitions is not my primary goal.  I have several
interesting entries, so it should be fun to watch the competitions.

And then there's the GBC!  Currently, I have over twenty modules signed up, but we
can always add more.  This is going to be Great...

One more question: Will the rules for the FLL event allow alternative languages to
be used?  I know few adults use the regular Mindstorms software or Robolab.

Time to get building.  I have lots to do, and only 42 days to do it...


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Technic/Mindstorms at BrickFest 2005
(...) 42 DAYS!!!.. oh wait I knew that ;-) See you all soon! ~Christina (20 years ago, 1-Jul-05, to lugnet.technic,, lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Technic/Mindstorms at BrickFest 2005
(...) The only FLL rule we are not enforcing is the restriction on software, so contestants may use any software they like. JB (20 years ago, 1-Jul-05, to lugnet.technic,, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Technic/Mindstorms at BrickFest 2005
BrickFest 2005 event planning and space allocation is in process. It would really help the planning process to get some idea of what competitions you might be planning on entering, and what Technic, Mindstorms or Great Ball Contraption MOCs you be (...) (20 years ago, 1-Jul-05, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.announce,, lugnet.robotics)

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