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Re: Pneumatic hexapod omni-Directional 2 (repost)
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Sun, 1 May 2005 21:29:57 GMT
4491 times
That is awesome. Could you put a vid of it in action. I love the style
- it is functional, but equally stylish - the way you have arranged
the cabling makes it look really something. I can really imagine that
as a spider tank model looking rather fantastic.

Could you do a pneumatic logic diagram of it? There are so many
connections there - I am pretty bewildered after trying to follow what
went where - I imagine it is segmented, and with a couple of sections
- each leg is basically the same in relation to the previous leg (or
another leg depending on the gait set up).

Anyway - thoroughly amazed at it!
-- - Build Robots

On 5/1/05, Kevin L. Clague <> wrote:
I uploaded some pictures of PhD 2, that some of you saw at BrickFest 2004.

PhD2 is a neat and tidy version of its predecessor Hex-363.

PhD2 can adjust the sweep direction of each of its legs, allowing to walk any
six directions (forward, forward right, forward left, backward, backward
backward left), and can turn right and left.  It can even walk forward/reverse
with one triple leg group, and turn with the other triple leg group.  PhD2 can
also walk in place.

It has no gravity well, meaning that in general the body does not move up and
down as it walks.  It does this by making sure that all legs are on the ground
before lifting any.

This is my most expensive MOCs so far.  It has 12 switches and two pistons per
leg.  Plus a few more pistons/switches for timing control.



(I posted this to annouce.moc, but forgot to post it here)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Pneumatic hexapod omni-Directional 2 (repost)
(...) Hi Danny, Thanks for the feedback! Before I dig up a circuit diagram, I'll show you the timing diagram for my original hexapod, hex363: (URL) Hex363 can only walk forward, but has a hexagonal body. It gets its name based on the sequence of the (...) (20 years ago, 2-May-05, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Pneumatic hexapod omni-Directional 2 (repost)
I uploaded some pictures of PhD 2, that some of you saw at BrickFest 2004. PhD2 is a neat and tidy version of its predecessor Hex-363. PhD2 can adjust the sweep direction of each of its legs, allowing to walk any of six directions (forward, forward (...) (20 years ago, 1-May-05, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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