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 Technic / 14110
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Question about technic motors and voltages/amperages
Sun, 1 May 2005 11:48:21 GMT
3586 times
especially concerning the 47154 motor,


Yesterday, I found a current transformer, and the the output is 9 volts at 400
Ma. I bought this since I intend save batteries and get my power from the wall
sockets instead. after doing some testing I found out that the technic motors do
run, but quite a bit faster than with batteries (it could have been that they've
been depleted a bit, but still...

Does anyone know if there are there any long-term (side-)effects to using this
setup? I'd buy myself a train transformer, but I'm afraid I don't have the money
for that.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Question about technic motors and voltages/amperages
(...) In my opinion, an electric motor can't be overpowered as long as the voltage is the same, Don't overdue the amperage off course, but as long as it's in the mA, there will be no problem. (20 years ago, 1-May-05, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Question about technic motors and voltages/amperages
(...) You'll probably find your batteries are about 1.2V so with six batteries you get 7.2V. Marketing and advertising states they are 9V motors so you should be able to take any lego motor (that has 6 batteries) upto 9V and get an additional 25% (...) (20 years ago, 1-May-05, to lugnet.technic)

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