| | Re: 4 section boom Vineet Honkan
| | Is this why on those big cranes (Demag AC 500) there are a small set of wisible pulleys on the ouraaise left side of the boom? Thanks. Thanks for the drawing. Very helpful! Keep on building cranes! (20 years ago, 17-Jan-05, to lugnet.technic)
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| | | | Re: 4 section boom Ross Crawford
| | | | (...) Nope, those are cables for the various sensors that have to reach up to the boom tip. Modern cranes like the AC500 have the ability to extend each segment separately. They use a hydraulic ram inside and a series of locking devices. If you (...) (20 years ago, 17-Jan-05, to lugnet.technic)
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| | | | | | Re: 4 section boom Ross Crawford
| | | | (...) This series of pictures shows an AC100 extending it's boom one section at a time: (5 URLs) ROSCO (20 years ago, 17-Jan-05, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
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