Re: Pneumatic Magic Presetnation Maertials
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Mon, 18 Aug 2003 00:57:31 GMT
3091 times
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In lugnet.technic, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
> In lugnet.technic, Ross Crawford wrote:
> <snip>
> > >
> > > Cool! Thanks for posting that. I enjoyed attending your presentation, although I
> > > admit I didn't fully understand all of it right then. I think some studying of
> > > the AND, OR, and the other type of OR (I forget what it's called- you can have
> > > one or the other, but NOT both) would help me.
> >
> > That'd be XOR ;)
> >
> > And thanks Kevin for the PPT file, it's great!
> >
> > Although I do have one little query - on page 4, you say the cylinders "Expand
> > faster than they contract" - is this correct? I thought it would be the other
> > way round - they contract faster but with less force?
> >
> > Anyway thanks for all your diagrams & explanations - has made it much
> > clearer..... I think ;)
> >
> >
> Rosco,
> The expanding and contracting behavior is described by Pascal's law that says
> that the force exerted by a piston is the pressure (pounds per square inch)
> times the surface area (square inches). The area in this case is the area of the
> face of the piston head. The area of the face of the expand side of the piston
> head is larger than the contract face of the piston head because the shaft that
> attaches to that face.
> Less area, less force,,,,,
Ummmm yep, thats what I meant - the contract side is smaller so less force, but
wouldn't that also mean it contracts faster because it needs less air? Just like
the small cylinders expand/contract much faster than the big ones because of the
much smaller area?
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 | | Re: Pneumatic Magic Presetnation Maertials
| In lugnet.technic, Ross Crawford wrote: <snip> (...) Rosco, The expanding and contracting behavior is described by Pascal's law that says that the force exerted by a piston is the pressure (pounds per square inch) times the surface area (square (...) (22 years ago, 16-Aug-03, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)
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