Hello all!
I am proud to announce my latest biped: SICO T7. After some hard (but fun)
work, I have all in ready and instruction steps available for download via my
website. SICO T7 belongs to the class of COG-shifting bipeds and his name is not
pronounced sicko! The proper way of saying it (I guess according to me:) is
psycho. Actually, SICO is an acronym and T7 is a play on words and also has a
bit of history behind it. You can find a full description of this interesting
acronym on my website. I have also uploaded SICO T7 to a number of websites
besides the pages I created for him on my own website. Here is a link that will
take you to SICO T7s section on the BIPortal website:
Or you can just go straight to SICO T7's page on my website:
You can also check out a version on the MOC pages website at:
Also, if you just want to see the Brickshelf gallery you can do so (my
website actually gives you the link too)
You might also want to check out another one of my bipeds that I recently
released with instructions stepsRibbit: A Bitty Biped. Ribbit is a DDK based
interlacing legs biped. Anyway, tell me what you think and try building SICO T7
for yourself! Enjoy!
David Perdue
My website The Art of Brick
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