Re: uCOG V - my tiniest weight shifting walker
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Mon, 12 May 2003 22:36:53 GMT
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In lugnet.technic, Kevin L. Clague writes:
> Sounds cool! I'm thinking about driving to BrickFest from Minnesota, so that I
> can take a bunch of pre-assembled MOCs with me. I should be able to take 3 RCX
> based walkers, 3 microscout based walkers, plenty of mini-motor based walkers
> (I only have a few interesting designs, but plenty of motors), two micromotor
> based walkers, and for sure 1 pneumatic based walker , maybe two. Plus I want
> to bring out my pneumatic adding machine, and a pneumatic caterpillar. I might
> have to buy more LEGO to get all that built.
Dang. Set all those loose at once and you'll have mayhem! :-)
> I look forward to meeting you at BrickFest.
Yep. Same here.
Is anyone else intersted in a walker contest of sorts? Fastest, lightest, etc.?
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