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Re: Extra parts in X-wing, Snowspeeder
Mon, 5 Jul 1999 06:57:25 GMT
975 times
John VanZwieten wrote in message ...
Can someone post what extra parts come in the X-wing set and in the
snowspeeder set?  Mine have gotten mixed together.

-John Van

I've just opened my snowspeeder box this weekend, and its only spares are a
1x1 round plate (dark grey) and a 1x1 tile (tan). I can't remember the list
of extras in X-wing set, but I'm sure that it has an extra light sabre
handle, although ý think its only by chance, since no other set has an extra
of it.


Message is in Reply To:
  Extra parts in X-wing, Snowspeeder
Can someone post what extra parts come in the X-wing set and in the snowspeeder set? Mine have gotten mixed together. -John Van (26 years ago, 2-Jul-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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