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Re: SW Lego Design Contest -----> Prizes!
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 18:38:59 GMT
1538 times
In lugnet.starwars, John Rudy writes:
It could be that the pop-up windows are causing the stripped down IE that • comes
with AOL to have a fit.  What exactly happens when you try to access a
Geocities or Tripod page?


correct!!!, a javascript error!!!, I checked it, a glitch in AOL's IE.
still can't access a Geocities or Tripod page.

Upgrade IE or get Netscape.  The problem should be solved then.  :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SW Lego Design Contest -----> Prizes!
(...) correct!!!, a javascript error!!!, I checked it, a glitch in AOL's IE. still can't access a Geocities or Tripod page. (26 years ago, 30-Jun-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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