if you could design a star wars set what would you make?
Fri, 21 Jul 2006 15:12:29 GMT
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If you could design a star wars set (assuming the same sorts of constraints
TLC has when they design it on things like size, new pieces etc), what
would you design.
My idea is to have a 2-part "storyteller" set (similar to the death star
throne room) that covers the death star detention level.
Set 1 would include princess leias cell, some corridor pieces, the princess
plus Luke in stormtrooper disguise and maybe one more fig (a stormtrooper
Set 2 would include the guard station and lifts, Han in stormtrooper
disguise, Chewie (with handcuffs ala the new batman sets) and an
appropriate imperial figure.
This pair of sets could be done easily using 100% existing pieces (with the
possible exception of any minifig parts that would need to be re-done in
the new flesh tones)
What do you guys think would make a good set?
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