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Mini No. 66: Solar Sailer!
lugnet.starwars, lugnet.announce.moc,
Thu, 18 Aug 2005 16:15:54 GMT
! (details)
10873 times
Hello dear fellows!

I today finished Count Dooku’s Solar Sailer from Episode II. It has a really tricky shape. As sails I used trans-yellow corner panels as they come in the Blacktron I space station.

Bes greetings,

yours Chris

Click the image for more images and instructions!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mini No. 66: Solar Sailer!
(...) Awesome! I love it. Dooku's solar sailers is one of my favorite Star Was ships, and I wish more of it appeared in the films. Your use of the Blacktron canopies as the sails is excellent! Blogged! (URL) :D -- Nathan Wells (20 years ago, 18-Aug-05, to lugnet.starwars, FTX)

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