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 Star Wars / 16127
    Oola Star Wars Custom Minland Scale Figure —Mike Crowley
   It's's Oola...let's watch her do the hula! That is, until she becomes Rancor kibble. (URL) Front> (URL) Front Left Angle> (2 URLs) Left Angle> (URL) Struggling> (URL) for Jabba> (URL) with the slug> (URL) Did you just hear something?> I (...) (22 years ago, 30-Aug-03, to lugnet.starwars,,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)  
        Re: Oola Star Wars Custom Minland Scale Figure —Gil Shaw
   (...) Consistantly amazed Mike....I swear you're using glue to get the angles and contortions you do. Incredible stuff. Cheers, -Gil (22 years ago, 4-Sep-03, to lugnet.starwars, FTX)

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