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 Star Wars / *18114 (-5)
  Theed Hangar in LSW The Visual Dictionary
Just spreading the good news! If you haven't heard about it yet. The Theed Hangar Battle is featured in the new DK Lego Star Wars The Visual Dictionary. Turn to page 127 to view it along with other fan creations... AC (URL) (11 years ago, 11-May-14, to lugnet.starwars,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Republic Viper Wing
(URL) Click the pic for more details... AC (11 years ago, 21-Nov-13, to lugnet.starwars,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)  
  LEGO® StarWars™ 10236 Ework™ Village (video)
Set was revealed at Lipno Point Event in Czech Republic. LEGO® StarWars™ set 10236 Ewok™ Village Ages 12+. 1,990 pieces. Recreate classic scenes at the Ewok™ Village! US $249.99 CA $299.99 DE 249.99€ UK 199.99 £ DK 2,099.00 DKK Travel to Endor™ and (...) (12 years ago, 1-Jun-13, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.general,, FTX)  
  Re: The World’s Largest Lego Model Is A Life-Size X-Wing [Video]
(...) While this is a great model, I'm not sure it can claim to be the world's largest in most dimensions it probably is, but it's definitely not the tallest, not by a long way: (URL) ROSCO (12 years ago, 27-May-13, to lugnet.starwars,, FTX)
  The World’s Largest Lego Model Is A Life-Size X-Wing [Video]
The World’s Largest LEGO Model Is A Life-Size X-Wing - Video By Corinne Iozzio May 23, 2013 This morning, LEGO opened up a gigantic box in Times Square. Inside: a full-scale replica of an X-wing fighter made entirely of LEGO bricks. It’s the (...) (12 years ago, 25-May-13, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.starwars, FTX)

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