Re: What does it take to be #1? (was Re: Pics of Football Players)
lugnet.sports, lugnet.general
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 02:35:24 GMT
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In, Sean Devolites writes:
> Wassssup Everyone,
> After having my football pics up for about 4 days and no responses
> I've now come to my senses to ask a question.
> When it comes to MOC's, What does it take to be #1?
> I mean, everyone works hard on their stuff,
> and just b/c some peoples stuff isn't as big or eyepopping
> nobody seems to pay attention to it.
> I mean, I could be jumping to conclusions,
> but its not to hard to leave a feedback to people is it?
> I know I haven't always done it, but people should right?
> I've asked my share of questions so now
> I guess I'll wait for your answers.
> PLMKWYT! seems that smaller forums always seem to
be overlooked on lugnet. Some of the newsgroups
such as HP, Town, Pirates, don't get that many
posts, and believe it or not, one forum, .underground
hasn't had a post in months (since the last time
I checked anyway :)
Great stuff, though. I personally think it's the
overall concept of the MOC that's important. If
it's a great concept, others build off that
idea, and it might become mainstream, like
spiffcrafts and pods.
Still, though, my agreements on your perception.
Feedback is part of the creative process.
<<_Matt Hein_>>
Fellow lego enthusiast
> Hasta La Vista, Sean
Check out my castle RPG. DraK'en.
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