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 Sports / *317 (-5)
  Re: 5 new vignettes
(...) Thanks for sharing and making me smile! Weapons-Testing is my favorite of the batch. (20 years ago, 26-Feb-05, to, lugnet.castle, lugnet.sports, FTX)
  Re: MOC F1 car; no it's not a red Ferrari, but an alternate yellow one of the 4404 set
In, Nathanael Kuipers wrote: SNIP (...) In fact I did see it and of course I think she's another awesome alternate model. I was just real busy and never got a chance to write a post. (...) I guess I can't complain. There are (...) (20 years ago, 13-Nov-04, to,, lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.sports, FTX)
  Re: MOC F1 car; no it's not a red Ferrari, but an alternate yellow one of the 4404 set
That's really nice. About the only thing that doesn't look "F1-enough" is the tires, and as an alternate model, you've got to work with what you get in the set. Very nice indeed. James Wilson Dallas, TX (20 years ago, 12-Nov-04, to,, lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.sports, FTX)
  Re: MOC F1 car; no it's not a red Ferrari, but an alternate yellow one of the 4404 set
(...) Hi Paul! Thanks for your kind reply. (I've seen you replying to my post several times, but actually I missed a reply on the female 4508 creation in the Mecha section... Probably you've missed that one ;-) Heheh ) Instructions...Well...uhm... (...) (20 years ago, 12-Nov-04, to,, lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.sports, FTX)
  Re: MOC F1 car; no it's not a red Ferrari, but an alternate yellow one of the 4404 set
(...) SNIP (...) SNIP (...) Wow those little F1 cars of yours are pretty cool too!! They don't have much detail but I do recognize the teams which is great!! I didn't see them before... It's still a doubt if we will see Jordan and Jaguar back next (...) (20 years ago, 12-Nov-04, to,, lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.sports, FTX)

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