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Re: New Things in Certain Colours (was: rare colours in: Life on Mars)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.year.2001
Sat, 28 Oct 2000 22:42:50 GMT
1581 times
In, Lindsay Frederick Braun writes:
I am much more curious about the light purple. It could be the Belville
light purple that is mostly used for the large round Belville plates/bricks,
but could be a new one as well.
The light green (as seen in 7311) could be the new
*putinyourfavouritenamehere* green, but as it's not very grey-ish, I still
think it's the light green that has been used for Belville already.
More rare colours are swamp green (used for some alien bodies) and a new
blue-green that is used for some aliens as well: Look close enough at the
one in 7311 and you'll notice that this one comes from the Scala line as
Wou will find it in 3108 (as well as the light purple) looking at the left
part of the image.

I thought the purple was the McDonalds Happy Meal #5 (grimace) Purple.
If so, that would be great.  That was an awesome color.


Message is in Reply To:
  New Things in Certain Colours (was: rare colours in: Life on Mars)
(...) The purple looks like the pastel lavender I get out of Belville sets, but that pink is a bit odd--if you look at Scala it has two sorts of pink, and I gather that the Life on Mars pink is the lighter of these two. (...) Check this out: I think (...) (24 years ago, 28-Oct-00, to, lugnet.year.2001)

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