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Re: Back after 5 years - trying to catch up
Fri, 13 Jul 2007 14:40:11 GMT
8748 times
In, Jim DeVona wrote:
   &tIn, John Neal wrote:
   In, Jim DeVona wrote:
   In, John Neal wrote:

   .SPACE is, for all intents and purposes, dead. MIA. Many have migrated to Classic Space.

Just out of curiosity, is there a particular reason for this? Nothing puerile, I hope.

Au contraire! It is purely puerile! (and all in good fun:-)

My question was about the reasons for the alluded exodus from .space, of course, not about the content of your post.

Ahh, well that’s a good question to which I haven’t the answer. My guess would be that a few of the ringleaders wanted more control over the direction and tone of the NG and the rest just followed the leaders like the mindless lemmings that they are. I just mock them for leaving IMO this perfectly fine place.

It seems to be a really nice site, though. But please don’t tell them I said so.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Back after 5 years - trying to catch up
(...) My question was about the reasons for the alluded exodus from .space, of course, not about the content of your post. Jim (18 years ago, 13-Jul-07, to, FTX)

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