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 Space / 39228
    Rooks asteroid pub.. —Tom Buckland
   Rooks, Asteroid pub and hangout for drunken Space bikers. (URL) B-shelf: (URL) Needless to say this is my entry for the Asteroid contest. All self respecting Space hover-Bikeys need a place to drink and fight.. On the desolate outskirts of the (...) (20 years ago, 10-Aug-05, to, FTX) ! 
        Re: Rooks asteroid pub.. —Jonathan Wilson
     Nice bar. and nice bikes too, they look like what the guys on American Chopper might build if they were building a hoverhog :) (20 years ago, 10-Aug-05, to
        Re: Rooks asteroid pub.. —George Haberberger
   (...) Tom, This is a righteous MOC, thanks for posting. I like the row of helmets (though you need to find a way to make a space helmet beanie), the weapons and the guy chugging the beer under the keg. George (20 years ago, 10-Aug-05, to, FTX)

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