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MiG I-135
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce.moc,
Sun, 17 Jul 2005 15:12:25 GMT
7065 times
Hello .space! I guess most people around here don’t know me since I don’t frequent this area of Lugnet.

Any way I thought you might be interested in seeing my first Eastern Block (Blok?) themed creation.

Yeah I know it kind of breaks the rules color scheme wise but I was thinking of the Winter schemes used in World War 2 when I started it.


I think I have almost got the thing hammered into a finished product but do admit my weapons are realy lame. But I couldn’t think of how else to keep them from ruining the over all shape of the fighter.

And remember complaints are always welcome I just can’t stand constructive critisism ;-).

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MiG I-135
I wont say what I think of this moc. I do suggest you look more into the styling and features of Eastern Block design types. Examples by myself, Chris Giddens, and Lenny Hoffman for example: (URL) Zog 31, by Chris Giddens (URL) Zhukov, Lenny Hoffman (...) (19 years ago, 17-Jul-05, to, FTX)

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