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  Re: Query about yellow visors
The minifigs in 6704 should have trans-neon visors. The only set I know of that contains a trans-yellow visor is the Star Wars A-Wing. HTH (...) (24 years ago, 5-Sep-00, to
  Re: Query about yellow visors
Kyle, Thanks for the info! Clark (24 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to
  Re: Query about yellow visors
Your welcome! Any time! : : Kyle : : (URL) (24 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to
  Re: Query about yellow visors
(...) Also the B-Wing, but that's twice as much.. ($30). -- Andrew, Agent 0007 (24 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to
  Re: Query about yellow visors
The yellow visors are also available in Set 6519, race-car, as I discovered earlier today. It's a real mine of useful parts, in unusual colours. It's also much cheaper (it was £3.99 - around $8) than the SW sets. However, I wanted a trans-neon (...) (24 years ago, 23-Sep-00, to

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