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  Large Intrepid-Class Starship - More Pictures!
I have added a few additional pictures, mainly focused on Deck 5 of the engine section. I constructed this deck so that parts of the exterior ship hull can be removed, for access to some of the interior rooms. Also, you will see on Deck 5 towards (...) (21 years ago, 19-May-04, to
  Re: Large Intrepid-Class Starship - More Pictures!
(...) Lee, this ship is awesome! I can't wait to see the rest of the her does she have a bridge? if it does I can't wait to see! (21 years ago, 20-May-04, to
  Re: Large Intrepid-Class Starship - More Pictures!
(...) Hi Mike, she sure does have a bridge, and it's removeable for either emergency detachment, or when a new bridge module is ready to replace the old one. You can see in a couple existing pictures (ldm_starship08.jpg shows the bridge outside of (...) (21 years ago, 20-May-04, to

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