Re: Civilian Contest Entry: TRUC
Mon, 3 May 2004 01:20:50 GMT
1334 times
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Wow...once again, the trend of futuristic MOCs of
old TV shows peeps up, and once again its done
amazingly. The detail on this is nicely done, as
even the slightest touch helps--I especially dig
the "mudflaps" in the back.
Though a question: if its set in the future, and
in space, wouldn't it be appropriate to have a
cyber-monkey? Just a thought...
That's one heck of a rig ya got there!
- Roy W.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Civilian Contest Entry: TRUC
| YEEEE HAW. Meet B.J. and the Bear of outer space. (URL) as they go on out of the world advetures this fall on NBC in their TRUC Transport Rural Urban Conveyance (URL) Watch out Space Sheriff Lobo, they're comin' yer way! A man, his monkey, and a (...) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to, FTX) !
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