In lugnet.announce, Joe Meno wrote:
Its too quiet in New Seattle... click the image to see what is (isnt) up!

Where indeed?
Brenda Rhodes has landed the Matriarch at New Seattle Moonbase, where she
is making preparations for the journey to Moonbase PDX. Seats are
available, but time is limited! If you want your .space fig to participate
in the lineup at BrickFest PDX, send word to Joe Meno
(jmenomeno@aol.com) or Tony Hafner
(lego@hafhead.com) ASAP and theyll assist you in
arranging transport to PDX via New Seattle.
See http://news.lugnet.com/events/brickfest/?n=2134 for more info.
If you want to see more of the ship, check out the
Matriarch gallery
(originally posted Sept. 2000).
Indeed, it IS too quiet. Its awfully quiet in .space overall. Just a very faint
clicking sound as .spacers prepare for the trip to PDX. I shudder to think what
3vil is up to now, especially since the 3vil Skull Module appeared to be
finished long ago. Heck, I even shudder to think what Captain Fazoom is up to,
based on recent news.
I, Professor Whateverly, shall take up the kind offer extended by Joe and Tony
and travel to New Seattle and on to PDX to investigate, and further the cause of
Space Peace. I cant bring my full retinue or even my posse, but at least I have
my staff ;-)
Well Im almost set to go. See you there.
Peace to all,
Professor Whateverly
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