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 Space / 28660
    Re: Blacktron vs. Futuron —Jonathan Wilson
   A previous MOC I made featured Blacktron as spies and terrorists and Futuron as police. (21 years ago, 22-Oct-03, to
        Re: Blacktron vs. Futuron —Damien Guichard
   (...) Is jealousy the only motive for Blacktron sabotage? Or is there a "Blacktron message"? - Damien (21 years ago, 22-Oct-03, to
        Re: Blacktron vs. Futuron —Jonathan Wilson
   It was a bit of a play on current events. The MOC in question was a moonbase module, the MB Police Department 200 division (aka the Department Of Moonbase Security). Their job is to capture and interregate rogue elements. There is no real "message". (...) (21 years ago, 23-Oct-03, to

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