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    Re: New MOC: Quark —Gil Shaw
   (...) (URL) (...) I saw this in a BF folder and liked it then. Well, I like it more now. An excellent, compact design Nick. I think what makes it work for me is the fig on an angle....looks fast. Cheers, -Gil (22 years ago, 25-Aug-03, to, FTX)
        Re: New MOC: Quark —Nick Kappatos
   (...) Thanks, Gil. Actually, the fig angle is what prompted me to come up with the explanation of the hover-thingies. A BF attendee asked how the propulsion worked if the fig pulls up on the unit like that.... and I said "uh......". But that's why (...) (22 years ago, 26-Aug-03, to, FTX)

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