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Re: Timmy the Starfighter Pilot
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Wed, 13 Aug 2003 01:33:12 GMT
798 times
In, Anthony Sava wrote:

   I bought one of the bags only for one piece in it, and it looked like a decent assortment anyway, but upon closer inspection, I found...

Timmy the Starfighter Pilot!

   He must fly the short yellow X-Wing.

And he came complete with...

Wooden Light-Sabre!

   You know, so he can’t hurt himself.

It’ll never work. Within a day he’ll eviscerate himself with that gigantic broadsword that they carelessly tossed in there as well...or at least we can hope, can’t we? >:)

Message is in Reply To:
  Timmy the Starfighter Pilot
Over the weekend at Brickfest, we were given the opportunity to buy up some grab bags from the LEGO Outlet. Now I wasn't really big on the idea of getting the grab bags at first (my mistake), but I went at the end and picked up a few. I bought one (...) (22 years ago, 12-Aug-03, to, lugnet.general, FTX)

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