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Re: New MOC: Classic Space Minifig Sculpture
Thu, 1 May 2003 02:45:08 GMT
74 times
Hi Andrew,

Your work is awesome.

I saw Joel's work from a link from a link from your page.
Very nice. He's really into making all the different figs.

According to BL, there are over 1,900 minifigs :) I definitely
don't have enough bricks. :)


This one time, Andrew Martin wrote:
That's really cool.  The tanks and helmet look great.  The head's solid stud
is a nice touch.  I'm glad I inspired someone to make one of these guys,
although I wouldn't have done it myself if I hadn't seen Joel Bedger's work.
Very cool.


In, Anne Carasik writes:
Hi all,

I have finished my first MOC in a while. It's a sculpture of a classic minifig
model (thanks Andrew Martian for your work on the Black Falcon version :-).

Description and pics are here:

Feedback is welcome.

Thanks! :)


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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New MOC: Classic Space Minifig Sculpture
That's really cool. The tanks and helmet look great. The head's solid stud is a nice touch. I'm glad I inspired someone to make one of these guys, although I wouldn't have done it myself if I hadn't seen Joel Bedger's work. Very cool. -Andrew (...) (22 years ago, 30-Apr-03, to,

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