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New Stuff!
Sun, 9 Apr 2000 12:10:35 GMT
1821 times
Well after many, many, many problems I was finally able to get a few pictures
of my models and I scanned well as some of the models.  And you can
look at them here:

I did have a lot of close up shots but apparently my camera doesn't take close
up shots well as the majority of them turned out blurry and icky.  Tomorrow
I'll try taking some more pictures and seeing if I can't get some good close
ups.  The large ship in the picture is 90 bricks long, 62 bricks wide, and the
front section is a remodeled version of the classic Cosmic Fleet Voyager,
undoubtedly my favorite Lego design of all time.  A design I love so much I
can actually build the original model completely from memory as I have built
it hundreds of times and ways since I first got it as a kid.  So anyway I hope
you all enjoy my designs, and if you have any questions feel free to ask.  I
will try and get some better images though because the ones I have right now
don't look so good.

-Matthew M

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: New Stuff!
Cool model. I love building large ships. You're kind of cheating with the pirate hulls though. :-) Just out of curiosty how much does it weigh. It can't weigh too much if you managed to keep it modular. I know that from experience. What is its (...) (25 years ago, 9-Apr-00, to
  Re: New Stuff!
Matthew M wrote in message ... (...) pictures (...) can (...) Wow, love the cool fighter (er, the one right below the big ship's pictures). But do my eyes decieve me or did you paint the bricks! Eww!!! (...) built (...) I don't think I'll ever (...) (25 years ago, 11-Apr-00, to

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