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 Space / 17171
    Re: Extraglobal Express Moonbase —Chris Koziatek
   I like it! It has a utalitarian moonbase-y look. I especially like the white cone radar dish and the gas tanks shown here: (URL) up the good work! Christian (22 years ago, 7-Sep-02, to
        Re: Extraglobal Express Moonbase —Travis Kunce
   thanks man. i try not to over develope the techy looking things and only add in the features the I'm into. The white cone things are supposed to be microwave transmitters and recievers. -tk "Chris Koziatek" <> wrote in (...) (22 years ago, 7-Sep-02, to
        Re: Extraglobal Express Moonbase —Chris Koziatek
   (...) Sorry bout that, man. It is cool though. (22 years ago, 7-Sep-02, to

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