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    Re: Defining the term "Capital Ship" —Wayne R. Hussey
   (...) So would I! I've been using one stud = one foot for Minifig scale. A mile (5280 ft) could be well represented by 5000 studs. My calculations show that such a construction would be 1562.5 inches or 130.2 feet! At that size, you could (...) (23 years ago, 2-Sep-02, to
        Re: Defining the term "Capital Ship" —Markham Carroll
    "Wayne R Hussey" <> wrote in message (...) Wars: (...) star (...) that (...) you (...) Uh... anyone work for LEGO who want to try this? I would go to a LEGo park to just see that! : ) I think (...) (23 years ago, 2-Sep-02, to

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