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 Space / 16479
  Re: Moonbase Project: Spaceman Dan's Used Ship Lot
(...) Looks good. Lots of greebes, creative use of those flags, and compact airlocks. In d7, is that supposed to be something in particular, or just a funky detail? Anyways, great addition to what is becoming an impressive number of Moonbase (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to
  Re: Moonbase Project: Spaceman Dan's Used Ship Lot
(...) Thanks Jason. I should have mentioned some details in my original post. The thing in the pic is an independant power supply for the sign. around all 3 exterior doors are force field units to keep the atmosphere in. It is becoming an impressive (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to
  Re: Moonbase Project: Spaceman Dan's Used Ship Lot
In, Jamie Neufeld writes: <snip> (...) We're getting there. <big smirk> -H. (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to  

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