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Re: Space Boys! YOU ARE GO... for Brickfest!
Tue, 28 May 2002 13:56:09 GMT
870 times
Chris & All,

There wasn't until that champion of women's rights the ICE BABE came on the
scene.  Breaking down barriers of gender.. hair color... and ear rings in
space exploration.

Well, there are always women in my space world, folks, you just can't tell
half the time because their helmets are on. : )

Scott S.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Space Boys! YOU ARE GO... for Brickfest!
(...) Eh, I was referring more to the scarcity of female space *builders* (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to

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  Re: Space Boys! YOU ARE GO... for Brickfest!
(...) There wasn't until that champion of women's rights the ICE BABE came on the scene. Breaking down barriers of gender.. hair color... and ear rings in space exploration. Chris <>< "Been in an accident? Call the law firm of Spacey, Spacer, and (...) (23 years ago, 28-May-02, to

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