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 Space / 13619
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The T.E. HoverInfantry
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 18:45:10 GMT
533 times
Greetings all.

A while ago there was a thread in .castle about knights on broomsticks,
zipping up into the air to drop torches onto the enemy or something like
that. Only recently did I get the idea to convert that to space! "Knights"
in hover-armor units.

Enjoy, and PLMKWYT. Oh, sorry about how the AttackCraft pictures are in
there too... I'll organize it soon.

Mark Nelson
LCC Command:
PS: Swarm vs. T.E. page is coming soon -- I hope.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The T.E. HoverInfantry
I like these guys. It reminds me a bit of Maximillian from The Black Hole. How many Shreddies did I have to eat to get that mail-in! Looks like the making of an interesting storyline..... BTW, I didn't get a chance to mention it before, but the (...) (23 years ago, 4-Apr-02, to

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