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 Space / 13278
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Re: all new!
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 08:45:26 GMT
457 times
In, Erik Olson writes:
I like the interior spaces. It resembles an apartment! Also the
classic-space hints in the color scheme.

As the ship is privately owned by a space adventurer and his crew I intended
the interior to be somhow like a caravan...notice the toilet-seat in the left
back... ;-)

I'm not one who keeps up to date with .space, but here's one "welcome to
Lugnet" for you!

(70s/80s fan)

Thanks for the welcome! I'm glad to be here!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: all new!
I like the interior spaces. It resembles an apartment! Also the classic-space hints in the color scheme. I'm not one who keeps up to date with .space, but here's one "welcome to Lugnet" for you! -Erik (70s/80s fan) (23 years ago, 9-Mar-02, to

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