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    Et in Arcadia Lego HoverThing Contest - judging proposal —Paul Hartzog
   howD all, i'm thinking that i'd like to do the judging like this: at the end of the contest i'll post a post saying "judge now" everyone who reads it sends me a email using the scoring system from the rules judging all the entries i average 'em all (...) (24 years ago, 25-Aug-01, to,,
        RE: Et in Arcadia Lego HoverThing Contest - judging proposal —Bram Lambrecht
     (...) Maybe you should break it down into categories too, or have different winners for different qualities of a model. For categories, you could go by size, or technology, etc... For qualities, detail, effective use of parts, form or color scheme, (...) (24 years ago, 25-Aug-01, to
         Re: Et in Arcadia Lego HoverThing Contest - judging proposal —Paul Hartzog
     (...) i agree, -p (24 years ago, 26-Aug-01, to
        Re: Et in Arcadia Lego HoverThing Contest - judging proposal —Gary E. Blessing
   I like the idea, it gives more participation than just building. Gary still working on my entry :-) Paul Hartzog <> wrote in message (...) (24 years ago, 26-Aug-01, to

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