| | Pictures Of This Set?
Does anyone have any this set and some better or more detailes pics of this set? 5848 (URL) (21 years ago, 5-Mar-04, to lugnet.belville, lugnet.boats, lugnet.scala, lugnet.general)
 | | To follow in the paths of others...
Hi gang. To keep up with the trend of getting to know our Lugnet, I've decided to take a look around .scala for a day. (and who knows, maybe longer after looking at some of the greeblies in these sets.) Thus my first question: does anyone here sell (...) (22 years ago, 18-Feb-03, to lugnet.scala)
 | | Re: FA: Scala Horse & Accessories from Set 3144
(...) Yeah, imagine if it had the WHOLE turkey rather than just a leg! (...) Hey, wait a minute! I didn't claim Primo, I lurk in all groups! (Wish I could read Italian!) Anyway Primo is Baby stuff-- well, it's been LEGO Baby for a couple of years (...) (23 years ago, 30-Mar-02, to lugnet.scala, lugnet.town)
 | | Re: FA: Scala Horse & Accessories from Set 3144
(...) That's a great set! I've been meaning to post a rave/review of this set for a few months now. It's one of my all time favorite accessory sets and definitely the Scala set that I own the most copies of (having been lucky enough to find some at (...) (23 years ago, 30-Mar-02, to lugnet.scala)
 | | Re: FA: Scala Horse & Accessories from Set 3144
(...) I guess that means I'd better not mention that I've got the only #3110, Four Animal Friends, currently on Brickl--oops! (...) Primo is deader than this group. A post I wrote two years ago is still on the front page. (...) Whew! All in fun, of (...) (23 years ago, 30-Mar-02, to lugnet.scala)
 | | Re: FA: Scala Horse & Accessories from Set 3144
(...) Again, please accept my apologies for the previous commercial message. Since I've been the only poster to this newsgroup in the last seven months I honestly thought that no one would mind. Wrong again. Oh well. Let silence reign once again in (...) (23 years ago, 30-Mar-02, to lugnet.scala, lugnet.market.auction)
 | | Re: FA: Scala Horse & Accessories from Set 3144
(...) Please limit all posts to this group to ones of non-commercial nature. -Suzanne Rich LUGNET Admin (23 years ago, 24-Mar-02, to lugnet.scala, lugnet.market.auction)
 | | FA: Scala Horse & Accessories from Set 3144
Please excuse this mercantile intrusion into the sleepy silence of the Scala newsgroup. Hopefully anyone Ive awakened with this message will not be too grumpily disturbed. I currently have an auction going on ebay to unload the black horse and its (...) (23 years ago, 27-Feb-02, to lugnet.scala, lugnet.market.auction)
 | | Thanksgiving Dinner - LEGO Style
Happy Thanksgiving One and All! In a moment of whimsy I decided to take inventory of all the nifty food elements and servingware that I've collected this year by putting together a Thanksgiving Dinner layout. The results of my effort at "slaving (...) (23 years ago, 20-Nov-01, to lugnet.fun.holiday, lugnet.general, lugnet.belville, lugnet.scala)
 | | posts
Miss seeing posts in Scala. Looks like I am going to have to get rid of my Sunshine houses. I did and inventory not hard to do as it is all set up. So many houses and not enough room. (24 years ago, 30-Jul-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | Re: where is everyone
Diana, I was away on summer break. Of course I'm still into Scala (but I must say I would be more so if they stopped making those cheap foam pieces). I have no idea what's new with Scala. I'll try to research on the new releases, but honestly I (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jul-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | where is everyone
Whats new with Scala? Haven't seen any new posts. Yuki are you still into Scala? (24 years ago, 30-Jun-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | clean legos
I don't think this is the place, but my other posts wouldn't go thru. I tried lego general. Does anyone know where I go to find out how to clean legos? (24 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | Yuki
can't find a picture of your new house 3290. Where can I go see it? (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | hello
I just got new e-mail address. saw where I can get 3149,3142, and 3143. I'm excited.... (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | Re: scala
(...) Hi Diana.. Have you tried posting this to the lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade group? Your inquiry might be seen by more folks there. :) -Tom McD. (24 years ago, 14-May-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | scala
I sure would like to have another scala bathroom. If anyone hears where we can get one please let me know. (24 years ago, 14-May-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | Re: yuki
(...) I got 3290, 3243,and 3241 as well as most of the sets from last year. Older sets seem to have better elements like curtains and extra walls and floors. I'm running out of room too, because I have a huge doll collection as well. But it's hard (...) (24 years ago, 10-May-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | yuki
I have two more houses 3290, one more kitchen 3243, and a nursey 3241. I am going to start putting my town legos on e-bay as soon as I get a camera. I am running out of room. I have thousands of legos to get rid of. What new stuff do you have? (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.scala)
 | | Re: Yuki
(...) You are welcome, Diana! I found the postcard at the LEGO outlet in Georgia a while ago. When I was there last time, I saw the new house. What do you think of it? Do you have one (or more)? It seems like it has too many of those foam elements I (...) (24 years ago, 8-May-01, to lugnet.scala)