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 Robotics / Spybotics / 129
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user created programs
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 09:47:55 GMT
5542 times
Now that my vacation has finally started, I'm getting a chance to pour
over the Spybots available documentation ( the actual PC program plus
the information found in the 2.5 SDK).  What an incredible device this
little toy seems to be, so ripe with possibilities.  Now to sneak into
my kids' rooms and swipe their Spybots!

I was expecting that somewhere on Lego's web pages they would have a
repository of user-created programs (or missions), but they either
don't or I haven't found it.  Anybody out there come up with any neat
new missions?  I'm working on some multi-bot arena combat type
missions and will gladly post them if people are interested.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: user created programs
(...) I too was sad to find that there were not any additional missions posted on the web site. I have Ralph Hempel's book (buy it if you don't have's good stuff) and he also describes how to create and share missions. I think this ability (...) (22 years ago, 4-Jan-03, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)

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