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 Robotics / RCX / ROBOLAB / 31
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Making Robolab more open
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 03:07:04 GMT
5896 times
The power of software is sometimes greater than what it's creators/programmers
envisioned. One way to help create this phenomena is to make the software
extensible and extendable by others. Netscape did this by releasing their
source code, and the alternative RCX languages also have this attribute by
being modified in the public domain.

Robolab is a clever adaptation of Labview, yet it is not easily modifiable by
people who have access to Labview. Would it be possible/feasible to have
instructions on how to modify Robolab using Labview 5.1? Yes, I know the
support nightmare this might cause! I too am in the software support business,
but the risk is manageable and the potential is open ended.

Some user contributed additions that could result from this might be:

Support of home brew sensors
Additional programming structures (Triple forks, division with remainders,
Code to perform an "auto wire" function (automatically wiring blocks that are
spatially aligned)
Syntax checkers
Subroutines in other languages
Templates for typical icon usage (like all motor commands would always have a
port and power level wired in so they can be easily changed rather than created
from the menus)

What are your thoughts?

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