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 Robotics / RCX / NQC / 906 (-10)
  Re: MacNQC and RCX Troubles
Thanks to everyone who helped out with my problem, it's much appreciated! The problem was not having the firmware loaded, which I was able to download to the RCX using the latest version of MacNQC. I had an earlier version of MacNQC which wasn't (...) (24 years ago, 2-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Joystick function in RCXCC
Is it possible to device a task that will keep a motor running for as long as a joystick button is pressed? Or do I have to write a prog. for my computer instead of one for the CM? I guess it would be possible using the spirit.ocx (a directx control (...) (24 years ago, 1-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: MacNQC and RCX Troubles
(...) Actually, I think Bob's problems came from not having firmware installed. Hopefully things will start working once he gets firmware loaded. But there *are* cases of some strange serial behavior between Macs and the IR tower. My 300MHz (...) (24 years ago, 30-Dec-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: MacNQC and RCX Troubles
(...) Yep. Thats the exact same PowerBook that I have, even down to the speed. I never could get it to talk to the IR Tower. The same IR Tower would talk to the older SE/30 with no problems. It may be a volage problem, or it may have something to do (...) (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: MacNQC and RCX Troubles
(...) My guess is that firmware isn't installed yet - judging by your later posts, you reached the same conclusion yourself. Dave Baum (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: Where to Find Latest Firmware File?
(...) Its under a link named something like "Hacker Info - RCX 2.0 Beta SDK" on the page. Dave Baum (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: MacNQC Not Recognizing Firmware File
(...) I'm guessing that you are using an older version of MacNQC, which only recognized certain file types as firmware files. Because the various ways of getting firmware (off a PC CD, download from web) result in different file types, this wasn't a (...) (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: Virtual PC 3.0 Not Finding IR Tower
(...) The RIS software does some unusual things with the handshake lines. You'll either need to patch the RIS software or run an Applescript to configure VPC in order for the RIS software to work. See (URL) for more info. Dave (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Re: MacNQC and RCX Troubles
I have a PowerBook G3 233mhz (I think it's a wallstreet; it's black with the big white apple on the front, first generation) with plenty of ram. I'm also running system 8.1. The green light on the IR tower comes on when I run MacNQC and issue (...) (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  Where to Find Latest Firmware File?
Can anyone please point me to where I can download the latest firmware version? I searched the Lego Mindstorms site and can't seem to find it. Thanks! (24 years ago, 29-Dec-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)

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