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 Robotics / RCX / legOS / 2263
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Integer-based arctangent2 function for anyone interested
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 18:48:30 GMT
2252 times
After scouring the internet for several days and even utilizing Jack
Crenshaw's wonderful book "Math Toolkit for Real-time Programming", I was
unable to find a good, general iatan2(y,x) function.  Note that this is the
atan function that takes as input separate y and x coordinates, not a
floating point y/x value.  These could also be sin(angle) and cos(angle).

So, out of desperation, I hobbled together a cludged (yes, it is) function
that works by taking integer x and y values, forcing them into a value
between 0 and 100, utilizing a Pade approximation, and returning integer
degrees from 0 to 360.  If anyone has a better integer-based arctangent2
function, I'd be happy to know about it (and so would my robot :).  If
anyone finds a problem with this function, let me know.  There is more than
likely a possibility that it will break for large values of y and x, but I
have not attempted to verify this.

// iatan2() : arctangent using sin@,cos@ or y,x values, respectively
// returns angle in degrees 0 to 360
unsigned int iatan2(long y, long x)
   unsigned long ax,ay,c;
   int comp,oct;

   // handle special cases
   if(y == 0)
      if(x >= 0)
   if(x == 0)
      if(y > 0)
   // get absolute x and y values
   ax = (unsigned long)abs(x);
   ay = (unsigned long)abs(y);
   // determine octant (counterclockwise 0:0-45 1:46-90 2:91-135 3:136-180 etc.)
   if(y > 0)
      if(x > 0)
         if(ax >= ay) oct = 0;
         else oct = 45;
         if(ay >= ax) oct = 90;
         else oct = 135;
      if(x < 0)
         if(ax >= ay) oct = 180;
         else oct = 225;
         if(ay >= ax) oct = 270;
         else oct = 315;
   // only the odd octants need to be inverted
   comp = oct % 90;
   // convert y/x into a value in the range 0..100
   if(ay > ax)
      c = (ax*100)/ay;
      c = (ay*100)/ax;
   // Pade approximation: a = (15*x+4x*x*x)/(15+9x*x) where 0<=a<=(pi/4) radians
   // and 0<=x<=1.
   // In order to compensate for input range adjustment to 0<=c<=100 and to
   // return degrees, the equation was multiplied by 180/PI and then c divided
   // by 100 in each term.  100^2 was multiplied to remove subfractions and each
   // term divided by 7 to reduce integer size, resulting in the adjusted
   // a ~= (38571*c + c*c*c)/(67143 + 4*c*c)
   ax = c*(38571+(c*c));
   ay = 67143+(4*c*c);
   ax /= ay;
   // handle inversion: atan(a) = (PI/4) - atan(1/a)
      ax = 45 - ax;
   // handle octants
   ax += (unsigned long)oct;
   return((unsigned int)ax);

Robert Templeton

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