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 Robotics / RCX / 260
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?? LabView - Sub Vi's, variables ?
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 19:52:49 GMT
1449 times
A few questions about programming RCX
using LabView's Inventor Level 4. (Is this
proper group for posting?)

1. In using Inventor level 4, can a user
create sub VI's? As programs get more
complex, I'd like to break them up. I am
somewhat familiar with LabVIEW as I
am currently using NI's DAQ PCI board
products (I teach a College electronics
program) I can seem to save something
as a "library" but I don't think this is the
same as a sub VI.

2. Can values be passed from one program
to another? I'd like to use program #4 to
pass over a line and get an optimum value
for the light sensor to distinguish line/no line.
Then execute program #5, using this value.
Is this possible in Inventor level 4?

3. Can only use 4 containers for variables??

Any help in programming appreciated..

Faculty, Nova Scotia Community College

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