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 Robotics / RCX / 1288
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Uploading datalog - some confusion?
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 18:47:08 GMT
1640 times
I have been playing around with NQC (RCX v2, MacNQC) and generally everthing
has been straightforward (certainly more so than Robolab...) but I am having
problems with datalog uploads.

I can upload the datalog using NQC no problem.  I then included the
"UploadDatalog(1, 20);" command in a program and nothing happened.  I am
guessing this doesn't work?  I assumed that the RCX would cause the IR tower
to wake up and data would start to flow in through the serial port where I
would have to do something with it.

I started poking around in the NQC source to try to figure out how I could
initiate the upload in the code I am working with (4D as it happens).  What
I can determine is:

Baud rate = 2400
parity = odd
hshake = DTR
Stop bits = ?

NQC seems to send a ping first (0x10) and gets some sort of reply then sends
a (0xa4) followed by the low and high byte of the start and stop short ints.
This confused me because this is what the disassembled code that I
downloaded looked like (ie sending the 0xa4).

Once I get the data it looks pretty straighforward to reasemble the ints...

So what am I missing?



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Uploading datalog - some confusion?
(...) Are you sure about the handshake, on a PC with a serial IR-tower there is no handshake (not necessairy because the PC is the master and the RCX is the slave). (...) best regards, Stef Mientki (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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